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VIRTUAL: Should You Write A Book? with Dan Ward

Location: Virtual Event - Zoom

Date: April 16

Time: 2:00PM ET

Type: Open, Zoom Meeting.

Details: Every member of NSGS has a story to tell, a lesson to share, or a question to pose to the wider community. Writing a book is a GREAT way to do this, and it's easier than you might think. It's also LESS OPTIONAL than you might think. As professionals, we all have an obligation to contribute to the conversation within our field, and a book helps ensure your voice is heard with clarity and credibility.

In this interactive discussion, we'll talk about various reasons for writing books (and the benefits of doing so). We'll also dive into the mechanics of editing, publishing, collaborating, marketing, time management, agents, speaking about your book, eBooks, audiobooks, and all the other stuff that goes into it.

And don't let the word "book" intimidate you. Step one in writing a book is to write an article or two.

Dan is the author of three books, two of which were published by HarperBusiness. Details at

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