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VIRTUAL: Home(schooled) Alone: Tips & Meditations for New Homeschoolers

Location: Virtual Event - Zoom

Date: Monday, April 27

Time: 11am ET

Cost: Free

Type: Open, Zoom Meeting.


Details: Feeling overwhelmed by homeschooling? Spend an hour discussing tips for educational success and emotional well-being juggling schooling, work, and household management.

Hosted by Sarah Hunt, who was homeschooled for 10 years, including high school, and helped homeschool her eight younger siblings — all of whom are now college graduates (except the baby, who graduates May 2020), five with advanced degrees.

The kids will be ok and you will, too.

April 24

VIRTUAL: How to Rise in the Ranks of Leadership with Author Susan Sloan

April 27

VIRTUAL: How to Lead an Anti-Viral Session