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VIRTUAL: Government Relations Jobs: Lobbying & Advocacy

Location: Virtual Event - Zoom

Date: Thursday, April 16

Time: 10:30am ET

Cost: Free

Type: Open, Zoom Meeting.


Details: In this interactive discussion, we'll talk about the role of lobbying and advocacy in shaping policymaking, how individuals and organizations participate, and what it means to work in lobbying or advocacy today. Heather Bloemhard (PhD physicist turned lobbyist) will provide a short presentation about lobbying and advocacy, which will be followed by questions from the audience. Ideal for people who know they're interested in working in government relations; who would like to learn more about informing policymaking; or who are just curious about what these jobs actually entail.

Dr. Bloemhard has worked in research and education policy on behalf of astronomers/astrophysicists, researchers/educators at a US university, and Dept. of Defense laboratories.

April 16

VIRTUAL: Storytelling & Advocacy in National Security

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