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VIRTUAL External Event: Civil/Military Dialogue: Supporting and Defending the Constitution

Location: EventBrite

Date: Thursday, June 11th

Time: 9:00 PM ET

Cost: $20 (50% of all proceeds will go to the Equal Justice Initiative)

Type: Register and purchase ticket via EventBrite

Details: Dr. Jill Goldenziel will host a seminar-style dialogue with Chatham House rules to discuss civil/military relations. Attendance is capped at 18.

Dr. Goldenziel is an Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations at Marine Corps University-Command and Staff College with over 20 years of experience in dialogue facilitation and expertise in Constitutional Law. This dialogue is not sponsored by or associated with the Marine Corps University. She will facilitate in her personal capacity, views expressed are her own and do not represent those of the Department of Defense or any arm of the U.S. Government.

Dr. Goldenziel is a member of NatSecGirlSquad and we are cross-posting this event on her behalf.

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