Location: Virtual Event - Zoom
Date: Wednesday, April 28
Time: 8 pm ET
Cost: Free
Type: Open, Zoom Meeting.
Join: https://natsecgirlsquad.zoom.us/j/95244619724
Details: Every woman should have the knowledge to be financially independent. This session will cover a basic approach to setting you on a path to financial freedom, appropriate for anyone at any stage of financial literacy. We'll cover 4 steps to plan your financial life and then have time for Q&A as well as cover some resources that can help you learn more. Contribute to a TSP/401k/IRA but don't know what your money is doing? This is for you! Don't know what any of those letters mean? This workshop is also for you! Amanda Ussak is passionate about sharing her knowledge so that every woman has the financial freedom to achieve the future she wants.