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Public-Private Sector Analyst Working Group Kick-Off

Location: Virtual Event

Date: Monday, 13 June

Time: 1800 ET

Cost: Free

Type: This session is open to the public, but the Working Group will be members-only. Join here!

Details: Just as there is no “typical day in the office” for intelligence analysts, there is no one-size-fits-all path forward in professional development and skill-building. Join us for an open, informal discussion between intelligence analysts (and aspiring analysts!) about our professionalization wins, questions, recommendations, ideas, and resources.

This session will serve as the initial kick-off and planning session for #NatSecGirlSquad’s new Intelligence Skills Working Group. Led by Rachel Hughes, this group will work to build relationships among intelligence professionals across sectors, facilitate and host learning opportunities, and more.


Check out the On-Demand Library

June 9

Advanced Mandarin Language Conversation with Blaine Johnson

June 14

Intermediate Mandarin Conversation with Blaine Johnson