LCWINS Presents: Political Ambassadorships: Special Considerations

In this session, the third in the LCWINS webinar series, we learn from former Ambassadors about the process of being appointed to an Ambassadorship and how to be successful upon confirmation. This session features Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, Ambassador Laura Kennedy and Ambassador Susan Page and is moderated by Prof Beth Van Schaack. The role of Ambassadors is special and unique. Many are selected from the foreign service, but each Administration will also select some political appointees from outside the State Department to fill these roles. The session addresses the entire timeline of the appointments process, including how to be selected, special considerations for vetting and Senate confirmation, and what happens upon confirmation. During the webinar, Ambassador Kennedy provided a this amazing list of resources for women who are interested in learning more! Hosted by LCWINS. Recorded Tuesday, September 8, 2020.

Link to Session


LCWINS Presents: The Senate Confirmation Process: It’s Not Over Until It’s Over


LCWINS Presents: Political Appointment 101: Process and Organizations