Save the date for #NSGSCon 2020

December 1-4 | Virtual!

Stay tuned for more information on tickets, speakers, and the conference agenda!

Conference Update


 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are men welcome to attend NSGSCon? +

Absolutely—in fact we NEED you in the room. Everyone is welcome. If you’re interested in our programming, we’re interested in you. If you’re interested in building a better peace and saving the world, this is your jam.

Q: My institution, agency, department, company, or non-profit wants to be involved in #NSGSCon. How can we do that +

Fill out our contact form below, and someone will get back to you soon!

Q: How do know what ticket level is right for me? +

That decision is entirely up to you. All attendee tickets come with the same access and perks. If you are attending in a professional capacity or are more senior, it is probably most appropriate for you to purchase one of the “professional” level tickets.

I can only attend one day. Can I buy a single day ticket? +

Early bird tickets go on sale 1 October. Regular admission tickets and single-day tickets are available beginning 1 November.

Q: I’m a dues-paying member. How do I access tickets early? +

Check your inbox for the latest issue of #SquadNews or the Slack Channel under (events) for the code to access to page early.

Q: Will dues-paying members get special stuff at #NSGSCon 2020? +

Yes. Community Dinners and Panel Intros/Pitches will be led by and feature members. Dues-paying members who opt-in to the Resume Book will be placed in a special section. They will also get “first-dibs” on Breakout Session choices, and day-of sign ups for office hours.

Q: My academic institution or employer is partnering for #NSGSCon. How do I access my discounted tickets? +

Your institution or employer should have provided you with your discount code. Enter that code at checkout and you’re good to go!

Q: Where is all the data from the order forms (my name, contact information, etc.) going? Who has access to it? +

#NatSecGirlSquad stores this data and does NOT to share it with any third-party vendors or #NSGSCon partners without your express consent. We use this data to create your name tag, confirm your identity, and communicate with you ahead of the event.

Q: I am a member of the press and I am interested in attending #NSGSCon to cover the event. How can I get a press ticket? +

Wonderful—we would be thrilled to have you! Send an email to and we’ll get you squared away.

Q: I really want to attend #NSGSCon but ticket prices are more than I can afford. Are you offering scholarships? +

As soon as we cover our immediate costs for the conference, we will begin offering scholarships. We don’t know how many or when, but we will share that information via email and social media as soon as we do. In the meantime, we have a few suggestions:

  • Check with your supervisor or career center and see if they can cover all or some of your ticket cost. Most companies and departments have professional development budgets for staff and employees. Similarly for students, career centers and academic departments often have funds available.

  • Sign up to volunteer. Each volunteer works for a few hours, and has free access the rest of the time.

Q: I bought a ticket for both days, but can only attend for part of each day. Is that ok? +

Yes! Attendees are welcome to come and go as they please on the days they are ticketed for. We ask that you wear your name badge when in the conference area, and please don’t be offended if/when a Volunteer asks to confirm your identity throughout the day- especially if you’re coming and going a lot.

Q: I bought a ticket but can no longer attend. Can I get a refund? +

Corporate, exhibitor, recruiter, and public sector tickets are non-refundable. Student and young professional tickets will be considered on a case-by-case before 1 November.

If you can’t make it, we hope you’ll consider donating your ticket to someone who would not otherwise be able to afford to attend.

Q: I would like to buy a ticket on behalf of someone else, or buy additional tickets for other people. How do I do this? +

To purchase a ticket on behalf of someone else, simply fill out the attendee’s information in the relevant spaces on the order form.

If you would like to purchase a ticket for #NatSecGirlSquad to give to someone who cannot afford a ticket, you can do this by purchasing Young Professional or Student tickets. Then, forward your receipt to with “Scholarship Tickets: (Number of Tickets)” in the subject line. We’ll take it from there.

Q: Will there be an interpreter at #NSGSCon? +

If requested, we will have interpreters available. We ask that you drop us a line at as soon as your purchase your ticket so we can coordinate with our interpreter and make sure we have everything ready to go!

Q: Is #NSGSCon on the record? +

#NatSecGirlSquad loves and supports the many badass women in national security and defense journalism.

All main stage conversations (keynotes, fireside chats, panels, and podcasts) are on the record. Breakout Sessions and info sessions are Chatham House Rules. Conversations between attendees, conversations in any of the lounges, etc. are off the record. Members of the media who are there in a professional capacity will have their nametags labeled as such.

Q: What should I bring with me to #NSGSCon? +

All participants should bring a government issued photo ID with their name matching the name on their ticket order.

We also suggest you bring copies of your resume and business cards. We’ll have charging stations and lots of snacks throughout the day.

Q: Can I bring my kids? +

Absolutely! Children are welcome at all #NSGSCon activities. If you would like to arrange childcare for your children via #NatSecGirlSquad, email

Q: Will there be a mother’s room at #NSGSCon? +

Every room is a mother’s room, as far as we’re concerned. That being said, we will have dedicated quiet and private spaces for those that would like to access them.

Q: What is the dress code? +

You should wear whatever you feel like your best self in. If that means leggings or yoga pants, great! If that means a suit, great! There will be a few opportunities for exercise and movement. If being your best self doesn’t mean movement-friendly clothes, you may bring a change of clothes if you’d like!

Q: How formal is #NSGSCon? Are Speakers available to Attendees? +

We’re less interested in formality than we are in intentional kindness. Respect people’s boundaries- but for the most part, everyone participating in #NSGSCon is interested in building community and supporting one another.

Q: How formal is #NSGSCon? Are Speakers available to Attendees? +

This will happen day of!

Q: Will Maggie be holding office hours during #NSGSCon? +

Yes! Sign up will be day of.

Q: What’s the hashtag? +

#NatSecGirlSquad…oh and #NSGSCon!