About #NatSecGirlSquad
#NatSecGirlSquad, a project of Unicorn Strategies, builds and supports competent diversity in national security and defense through its professional development community and its programming and cross-sector collaborations.
Our work focuses on building expertise, confidence in that expertise, and institutionalizing opportunities for success within existing systems. We want to ensure each individual has the information, ability, and support required to define professional and personal success for themselves, alter it as their priorities evolve, and achieve it over and over again.
Get involved as an individual member or organizational partner and contribute to events, programming, and publications.
Who are our members?
#NatSecGirlSquad engages with more than 140,000 people each month from across the national security apparatus. Membership is open to any body, though our programming is primarily focused on serving those in national security, defense, and intelligence. A very small percentage of our community exists on social media, but you can meet some of those that do here.

Code of Conduct
The #NatSecGirlSquad Code of Conduct is not a finite listing of acceptable or unacceptable behavior, but an articulation of and commitment to #NatSecGirlSquad values.
All members of #NatSecGirlSquad, attendees and participants at #NatSecGirlSquad events, and partners and affiliates, are each required to treat each other with respect and dignity and act with intentional kindness.
By affiliating with #NatSecGirlSquad individuals are agreeing to actively encourage and support the success of others. This includes an emphasis on individuals that “come after” or are more junior, to them.
#NatSecGirlSquad works to build resilient systems that enable individuals to achieve their own definitions of success, whatever they may be. Take what works for you, leave what does not, and be kind along the way.
Everyone may not be for #NatSecGirlSquad, but #NatSecGirlSquad will always be for everyone.
We will not hesitate to reprimand, report and remove individuals who act against this Code of Conduct. #NatSecGirlSquad is committed to being a resource for individuals who feel unwelcome, unworthy, or unsupported.
To report an infraction, contact us here. Someone will respond within 24 hours.
If you have questions or are looking for support about ethics in the workplace, contact us here.
If you are interested in working with #NatSecGirlSquad to develop a code of conduct for your workplace, contact us here.
The Weekly Newsletter & Open Source Listserv
The #NatSecGirlSquad Newsletter is a weekly curated summary of events, publications, paid opportunities and updates from across the #NatSecGirlSquad universe. Free subscribers receive one newsletter per month with partial previews of other weeks. Paid subscribers pay as little as $1/month for full access. Subscribers can make make submissions which are then vetted and confirmed by the #NatSecGirlSquad Operations Team.
Our free listserv, Open Source, is a free lightly-moderated information sharing tool for the extended #NatSecGirlSquad community. Submit a request to join the group, run through GoogleGroups. Make sure you're signed in to a Gmail account or an email account with permissions that allow for GoogleGroup participation. You may also email wiselist@googlegroups.com for a less instant add. Please include your name and affiliation in your join request.
Maggie Feldman-Piltch
Founder and CEO
Maggie Feldman-Piltch is the Founder of #NatSecGirlSquad and a Founding Partner at Unicorn Strategies. She makes national security make sense, and is always a fan of a solid pro-democracy information campaign. Her first book, Non-State Actress: National Security But Not Boring is due out in 2025 and makes national security and defense relevant, accessible, and interesting for millennial and zennial American women.
Maggie is an exceptionally proud graduate of Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, and earned one of her master’s degrees from Georgetown SFS’s Security Studies Program. You can learn more about her at maggiecaroline.com.
Media and Speaking Requests: Contact

What are other resources or organizations similar to #NatSecGirlSquad?
#NatSecGirlSquad is a for-profit social impact business. We are not associated with a political party or movement. We do not endorse candidates or policies. The following not-for-profit groups are doing important work and provide fantastic resources, especially for the foreign policy community.
Groups focusing on advancing diversity in foreign policy, national security, and defense:
Center for Feminist Foreign Policy
CNAS Women in International Security
CSIS Diversity and Inclusion Leadership
CSIS Smart Women Smart Power
FPI (Foreign policy interrupted)
gender champions in nuclear policy
LC WINS (Leadership Council of Women in National Security)
service women’s action network (Swan)
USOW (United States of Women)
wcaps (women of color advancing peace security and conflict resolution)
Women in International Security
wcsa (women’s congressional staff association
Women Also Know