The #NatSecGirlSquad Team has decided to reschedule this year’s #NSGSCon to a

new date and location. We plan to share this updated information first with current ticket

holders and then those interested in participating. To get more details read this!


#NatSecGirlSquad builds and supports competent diversity in national security and defense through its professional development community and strategic advisory services.

#NatSecGirlSquad knows every national security challenge, threat, and opportunity is, at its core, a human capital issue. We are building a competent and diverse workforce for a stronger, safer, and more secure world.

Soft on Diversity = Soft on Defense. 

Full stop.


As seen on


Join #NatSecGirlSquad

 #NatSecGirlSquad is revolutionizing how we recruit, retain, promote, and support the national security workforce.

#NatSecGirlSquad Memberships and Professional Development Opportuntities - National Security.jpg
Technical Assistance and Strategic Advisory Services - #NatSecGirlSquad Services and Support.jpg


#NatSecGirlSquad’s individual, corporate, and organizational membership program provides tactical resources and support through a robust and interactive professional development community.

Sign up to become a member of #NatSecGirlSquad.


#NatSecGirlSquad is always looking for ways to bring more opportunity, more resources, and more skills to our community. From CTFs and TTXs and social events to thought leadership and multi-session professional development courses, we’ll collaborate with any relevant organization in line with our values.


#NatSecGirlSquad Media


events and programming

written analysis and commentary



Whether you're a student or senior government official, there's a spot for you in our herd. Join more than 140,000 professionals across the security and defense apparatus committed to creating positive change. In addition to our community, members also receive access to special events, and career resources.


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The #NatSecGirlSquad Newsletter